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Junior Classical League

Welcome to the Butler Area Junior Classical League (BAJCL or Latin Club) site!  The BAJCL is a local chapter of the NJCL, or National Junior Classical League, which is one of the largest student academic organizations in the world. It boasts over 50,000 members in all 50 states and even in other countries!

BAJCL is an extracurricular club open to all Latin students in the district.  As members, our students also gain membership in the PAJCL (Pennsylvania Junior Classical League) and NJCL.  The JCL is an affiliate of the American Classical League, which is a professional organization for classicists of which each of Butler's Latin teachers is a member. 

For the past few years, Butler has had the largest chapter of the JCL in the state of Pennsylvania.  We are also one of the largest organizations in the district.  We usually meet monthly in the evenings, and it is usually to celebrate a holiday or prepare for the state Latin convention in May.  We also do a few service projects throughout the year.  Membership, attendance, and participation in BAJCL is completely optional, but encouraged. 

Beyond celebrating our love of Latin and the Classics, BAJCL strives to give students opportunities to connect with others, connect to their own culture through the study of the ancient world, and to expand their overall experience.  

JCL Links

JCL Advisor
Mr. Kasparek